Rules For Goan Weddings Then v/s Now

Eligibility: Open to Goans.

Focus: Storyline must focus on Goan weddings.

Language: Submissions should be in English or Konkani.


    • No individual participants.
    • Minimum of 5 participants in each group
    • A Participant can belong only in one group.

Submission Requirements:

    • Teaser: A short teaser video from the upcoming YouTube video in collaboration with Weddings De Goa and the parish, to be posted on Instagram. Insure that the teaser provided is optimized for Instagram (Portrait, 1080×1920)
    • Video: Submission of the YouTube video depicting Goan Weddings Then vs Now. Insure that the teaser provided is optimized for Instagram (Landscape,16:9)

Video Duration: Instagram teaser video – 1 min video, YouTube video – 5 mins

Submission Format: All entries must be submitted via a GDrive link from the registered Email ID to [email protected]

Submission Rights:

    • By submitting, the team grants the organizers the right to publish and promote the content on their platforms.
    • No re-submissions allowed (Registration & Media).

Original Work: All submissions (Teaser & Video) must be original and created specifically for this Campaign.

Judging Criteria:

    • Creativity (20%)
    • Cultural Accuracy (20%)
    • Visual and Presentation Quality (20%)
    • Voting: Shares on Instagram and comments on Youtube (40%)

The Evaluation Committee’s judgment is final.

You are requested to Share the WDG Goan Weddings Then vs Now page on your social media platforms, with a message to follow WeddingsDeGoa on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel at WeddingsdeGoa.

Scheduling on WeddingsDeGoa YouTube Channel would be according to first come first serve (Fills form + Sends Data)



    • ₹10,000 Cash Prize
    • Award

Runner Up:

    • ₹5,000 Cash Prize

All Participants:

    • Certificates of Participation


    • Registration open from 23nd July to 31st August.
    • Submission Deadline on 18th September.
    • Winners will be announced on 25th September(10:00 am).


Share the WDG Goan Weddings Then VS Now page on your social media, encouraging your followers to follow Weddings De Goa on Instagram and YouTube for the latest updates.

Join in our webinars!

Share campaign related blogs »

Stay connected to our weddingsdegoa YouTube(Subscribe & Allow push notifications from WDG) and Instagram(Follow) for more updates

Eligibility: Open to Goans.

Focus: Storyline must focus on Goan weddings.

Participation: No individual participants.

Original Work: All submissions must be original and created specifically for this Campaign.

Language: Submissions should be in English or Konkani.

Submission Rights: By submitting, the team grants the organizers the right to publish and promote the content on their platforms.

Judging Criteria:

    • Judging Criteria:
    • Creativity (20%)
    • Cultural Accuracy (20%)
    • Visual and Presentation Quality (20%)
    • Voting: Shares on IG and comments on YT (40%)

Evaluation Committee’s judgment is final.

You are requested to Share the WDG Goan Weddings Then vs Now page on your social media platforms

Participant can belong only in one group.

Scheduling on WeddingDeGoa Youtube Channel would be according to first come first serve (Fills form + sends data)



    • ₹10,000 cash Prize
    • Award

Runner Up:

    • ₹5,000 cash Prize
    • Award

All Participants:

  • Certificates of participation


    • Registration open from 22nd July to 31st July
    • Submission Phase  (Introduction of team) from 1st  August to 8th August
    • Submission Phase Begins on 9th August
    • Submission Deadline on 22nd August
    • Scheduling Phase from 23rd August to 24th August
    • Evaluation Phase from 25th August to  29th August
    • Winners will be announced on 30th August (10:00 am)


Share the WDG Goan Weddings Then VS Now page on your Instagram

Join in our webinars.

Share the blog for the campaign

Stay connected to our weddingsdegoa Youtube(Subscribe & allow push notifications from WDG) and Instagram(Follow) for more updates