How to choose your Perfect Wedding Bouquet

Every bride wishes to have the most beautiful bridal bouquet. Well, its one accessory that you need to hold all day long and will be showcased in most of your wedding pictures.

As the tradition states the wedding bouquet represents good fortune and prosperity for the bridal couple’s future. Also, at the end of the wedding, the bridal bouquet is tossed by the bride to the unmarried women to pass on the good fortune. Well, It is equally important to have a beautiful floral arrangement personalized for you on your big day.

From the perfect flowers to the ideal colours everything matters. So, here are a few tips that will help you choose and your perfect Bridal Bouquet.  

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Define your Theme Colour

Sourcing flowers and other accessories with your wedding theme colour can be challenging at times. However, if you define a colour pallete that matches and blends with your theme colour can help big time.  

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Bouquet Style

Choose how you want your bouquet to look like. whether you want a classic round bunch or the trendy unstructured style or a longer cascade bouquet. Go with the design that will compliment with your look. Also, it is advisable to match the bouquet with your wedding dress.
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Comfortable to Hold

Remember you need to hold your bouquet for the major part of the day so make sure its not to heavy so you can comfortably flaunt it. Choose flowers and leaves that are light in weight. Design a good grip to hold the bouquet. 

Fresh or Artificial Flowers

Well, as most of us go with the new artificial bridal bouquet. The traditional fresh flower bridal bouquet never went out of style. However, the only challenge is to keep the flowers fresh through the day. More important is to keep your bouquet look exquisite on your big day

Well, these are a few pointers to keep in mind while choosing the best wedding bouquet for you. most important is to follow your heart and choose what you like. Adding your personal touch will truly make it reflect your style!Â